Like most education institutions, universities in the UK have a system for awarding degrees to graduates who have successfully been able to meet the requirements of those degrees. The honours associated with the degrees in the UK are divided into classes. These classes are based entirely on whether a graduate has successfully completed a degree program with a dissertation or thesis. As one considering to study in the UK, this article is written to help you understand how Universities in the UK award degrees. It is also important to understand the UK university ranking as it helps you to find the right University to enrol in based on the measures and qualities that you personally find important for your learning experience.
Different Degree Classes According to Grade
These are the classes of degrees awarded at Universities in the UK. First Class Honours graduates are those who have scored 70% or higher in their degree program. Second Class Honours graduates scored between 50 and 70%. The second class is subdivided into two other categories: Upper Division and Lower Division. Third Class Honours graduates are those who score 40-49% in their degree program. The class of Honours may affect the chances of individuals landing a job.
The main aim of UK University rankings is to inform potential applicants about UK Universities based on various criteria such as the staff to student ratio, the entry standards, academic services of the University, and the quality of research applicants will be required to produce. Universities in the UK are also ranked based on their strength of individual subjects.
What the UK University Rankings Mean
As one considering to study at the Universities found in the UK, it is important to understand the UK university degree levels and the UK university rankings as they will help you choose a University to study at by providing a realistic overview of the amount of effort you will need to put into your degree program in order to be awarded with honours.